Building Consensus on AI-driven Urban Design

  • Publish On 7 October 2021
  • Kent Larson

Though AI is revolutionizing the practice of architecture, it follows the increasing digitalization that has been unfolding since the 1980s. Kent Larson was one of its pioneers. Alongside the City Science research group at MIT, he explores how data can help imagine production processes and innovative forms of urban governance stemming from an evidence-based approach and favoring consensus-building through modeling. He views this holistic approach to the complexity of urban reality as the only one that could bring about genuine change, though it raises the issue of the quality and control of data. He also calls for community databases offering an alternative to surveillance capitalism.

Soon available in open access.

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Inclusive Intelligence

Nicolas Bourriaud


Inclusive Intelligence

Artists are contemporaries of the transformations of their time and find themselves immersed in the biosphere, in a gesture of rupture from the dualisms of Western thought. Nicolas Bourriaud views this as stemming from “inclusive thought.” Far removed from the representations of human beings as positioned at the center of their “environment,” like figures against a background, inclusive art expresses a realization of our entanglement within all living milieux. Moving beyond the “formulas of subjugation” generated by binary thought and epitomized since Aristotle by the divide between matter and form, active and passive, and nature and culture, contemporary artists cooperate with the living and compose networks of relations.


Animistic Intelligence: the In-Between Network of the Living and the Machine

Nature returns to the city, but can this new relationship with the living influence the very processes and materials of architecture? As early as the 1960s, the avant-gardes explored the ties between the intelligence of machines and that of the living, it is now possible to hybridize organic and synthetic materials, opening up an experimental field between biodesign and computer science, to create alternative biomaterials, as well as bio-inspired morphologies, in a symbiosis between the natural and artificial which is key to a more symbiotic relationship with our environment.


AI facing complex urban environments

Hubert Beroche is the founder of the Urban AI think tank, dedicated to the field of urban artificial intelligence. He is the curator of the Eyes on the street lecture series, run together in partnership with the SCAI (Sorbonne Center for Artifical Intelligence), and explains here how urban AI can help us understand the city.
