Anita Berrizbeitia

Anita Berrizbeitia is Professor of Landscape Architecture and Chair of the Department of Landscape Architecture at Harvard University. Her research focuses on design theories of modern and contemporary landscape architecture, the productive aspects of landscapes, and Latin American cities and landscapes. She was awarded the 2005/2006 Prince Charitable Trusts Rome Prize Fellowship in Landscape Architecture. Her studio investigates innovative approaches to the conceptualization of public space, especially on sites where urbanism, globalization, and local cultural conditions intersect. 


Landscape as Urban Mediator

Anita Berrizbeitia


Landscape as Urban Mediator

With the return of the living to the urban space, the landscape—as a discipline—has become a fertile conceptual framework for architecture. Landscaper Anita Berrizbeitia explains the way in which her activity explores the dynamics between nature, the economy, and society. From simple adjunct to the improvement of the conditions of urban living, the landscape extends its role to the redefinition of a city that goes further than multifunctional infrastructures to create complex spaces that contain multiple interactions and possess many uses. Resolving complex environmental issues requires an interdisciplinary approach, the establishment of international coalitions and regulations, but also the multiplication of citizens’ initiatives. Urban agriculture must also acquire a social and popular dimension so as not to remain anecdotic. It must shape spaces of production but also symbolic tools in order to develop our relationship with the environment through an increased awareness of where food comes from.


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