Gilles Boeuf

Gilles Bœuf is a biologist, a former professor of environmental physiology at Pierre-and-Marie-Curie University. He chaired for 7 years the National Museum of Natural History in Paris and was in 2013/2014 visiting professor at the College of France in the Chair "sustainable development, energy, environment and society". Member of many scientific councils, he presided over the five-year term of François Hollande the council of the French Agency for Biodiversity of the Ministry of Solidarity Ecology.


Understanding biodiversity

Gilles Boeuf is a biologist and professor of environmental physiology at the University Pierre and Marie Curie in Paris. In this interview, Gilles Boeuf questions our relationship with nature through contemporary environmental issues, specially the collapse of biodiversity. In this way, he encourages us to look to nature as an ally in order to develop factors of resilience, by participating, for example, in reestablishing and enhancing urban biodiversity.


Understanding Biodiversity

Contemporary environmental issues, and notably the collapse of biodiversity, demand that we rethink our relationship with nature. To better grasp the issues, biologist Gilles Boeuf makes the distinction between nature—a set of living systems—and biodiversity, its living, universal fraction, that groups together beings and the relationships that they maintain with each other as with their environments. Understanding biodiversity allows us to better understand the way in which nature tends toward a harmony of interdependent systems, but also the value—including on a financial level—of the eco-systemic services that it provides to the human being. In this way, it encourages us to break with our arrogance and to look to nature as an ally, something that it has always been, so as to allow this new alliance to be used to develop factors of resilience, by participating, for example, in reestablishing and enhancing urban biodiversity.


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