Sonia Lavadinho

Sonia Lavadinho is an anthropologist and geographer. She provides prospective research services to local authorities and businesses in the areas of mobility and sustainable territorial development through her consulting firm, bfluid.


Organizing time, gaining access to space

Anthropologist and geographer Sonia Lavadinho has been working on issues related to sustainable mobility for the past fifteen years, and in particular on the way urban planning can improve walkability. She believes shifting from the “functional city” to the “relational city” will primarily stem from our relationship to time.


Inhabiting Urban Mobility

Sonia Lavadinho


Inhabiting Urban Mobility

We are faced with the need to bring about a behavioral shift to support the ecological, urban, and economic transitions. Given that space influences behavior, Sonia Lavadinho calls for a “relational city” to kickstart the process. Like the city itself, mobility could be perceived as not only functional, but as something that can take on a new dimension, as events. Enriching the urban experience through a proliferation of micro-events and social interactions would then change our spatiotemporal relationship to the city and foster better social behavior.


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