Strategies for Urban Sustainability

  • Publish On 7 October 2021
  • Jeffrey Raven

Urban density, though challenged by the pandemic, remains beneficial in mitigating sprawl. As urbanization nevertheless impacts the climate, the challenge, for Jeffrey Raven, lies in working on the actual shape and configuration of this density to make it sustainable and sound. Running counter to technological solutionism, this involves measures such as creating microclimates which provide ecosystem services following a holistic approach. He views the district as the proper spatial scale to operate at, due to its specific metabolism and because it is one of the most nimble scales to experiment at, through intermediate forms of governance. Architects gain a central role in coordinating synergies between the stakeholders involved, pragmatically understanding their interests, and, thanks to their skills in prototyping, offering a shareable narrative around “zero carbon” demonstration projects.

Soon available in open access.

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Are we in the midst of monetizing nature?

Virginie Maris is an environmental philosopher. In Nature à vendre – les limites des services écosystémiques (Nature for Sale – The Limits of Ecosystem Services), she questions the relevance of monetary valuation of services rendered by nature. You would never calculate how much your relationship brings you, so why do it with nature?  Extract from the article Considering Separation Beyond Dualism, published in Stream 05: New Intelligences


“ Biomimicry applied to the neighbourhood means taking inspiration from the way an ecosystem functions. ”


“ Biomimicry applied to the neighbourhood means taking inspiration from the way an ecosystem functions. ”

Conceiving the urban environment as an ecosystem

Biomimicry consists in reproducing not the forms but the functions of nature. On a neighborhood’s scale, it involves drawing inspiration from an ecosystem’s dynamics, which Eduardo Blanco, environmental engineer, calls “regenerative urban projects.”  But how can we evaluate the effectiveness of this design method and how can we measure its success over time? READ THE TRANSCRIPT


The challenges of timber construction in addressing the climate emergency

The construction sector accounts for one third of France’s CO₂ emissions. This environmental footprint can be reduced by using wood, but wood only stores carbon temporarily. The challenge of sustainable construction therefore lies in a comprehensive approach that includes forest management and the durability of buildings. No ‘woodwashing’ here, but some thoughts on mixed construction!
