Which architecture for the ephemeral?

  • Publish On 26 January 2024
  • Éric Mangion
  • 5 minutes

Eric Mangion has been director since 2006, after managing the Frac Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur from 1993 to 2005.
His research has long been focused on the artistic gesture of disappearance – in all its forms, from the alteration of the work to the disappearance of the artist. At the Villa Arson, he develops a program around ephemeral practices.

 He develops here the link between his research topics – the disappearance, the ephemeral, in the art and more generally, in the culture – and the evolution of the architecture.




Radicant Design: time, needs and experimentation

A sustainable approach to the city implies the activation of citizen know-how that redefines the role and methods of the architect. For Jana Revidin, the ecological transition must drive architects to transform the theory and practice of architecture so as to move toward a world based on the idea of the radicant. While the many remaining advocates of post-functionalism continue to think in terms of simple evolutions of systems, on the contrary, we must activate a historical rupture based on the current resources and context in order to design modes of production of space where the process is not subordinate to a product or a final form. The act of building does not matter more than the thing being built, in line with a vision where the project becomes a process of amending inhabited environments over time. This vision of architecture allows us to free ourselves from the short-term pressure and to listen to the uses and users according to an iterative approach to experimentation.


Representing the Invisible City

The trend towards smart cities reintroduces a functionalist vision of the city, generating ever-increasing amounts of data. But how can the parts of urbanity that cannot be reduced to quantified data to be optimized be considered? Larissa Fassler seeks to make visible what forms the urban experience through sensitive mapping that reveals an overlooked city.


When Architecture Conveys a Narrative

Architect, professor, and curator of the future exhibition “Paris Animal” [Animal Paris] at Pavillon de l’Arsenal, Léa Mosconi considers that architecture is fundamental to reconciling humans with their environment. An invitation to infuse poetry into places and lend a voice to the voiceless!
