Sissel Tolaas

Sissel Tolaas describes herself as an artist of smell: for the last twenty-five years she has been collecting, recreating and developing encapsulated odours in her laboratory in Berlin. Her work seeks to reconnect us with the past (by recreating the smells of Pompeii and the First World War, for example) but also with the territory, by letting us experience the whole olfactory spectrum of our reality.


Nose to nose with the world

Never once has Sissel Tolaas, Norwegian artist, chemist, linguist and researcher, uttered the word “perfume”. For the past twenty-five years, she has been collecting, inventing and breathing new life into smells, refusing to be part of the world’s aseptisation. Through her olfactory installations, she invites us to sense reality, its geography and its temporality. Most recently, she has recreated the smell of Pompeii, between sensory experience and memory of the past.


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